
Showing posts from May, 2015

The Calm before the Storm

This is where the big party will be on Sunday...but for today all is calm and the shadows are making pretty pictures. Sharing today with Shadow Shot Sunday2 Monday Mellow Yellows   Can you spot the yellow?

Puerto Rico

 From high on the tower room at the oldest fort on the island To enjoying the smallest detail  I enjoyed touring this beautiful island.  I loved this stairway  This balcony shot provided interesting shadows! The narrow streets of Old Town were gorgeous This tree had some great lines and shadows. The streets were cobbled. I love seeing the pink buildings in the tropics! One of the special things was seeing the cliff where families come on the weekends to fly kites. I really wished I had my kite with me.  Next trip I am packing it and plan to spend an hour or two on this hillside with the natives.   Here I am at home in Florida with my kite! sharing with ShadowShotSunday2

Puerto Rico - The Tourist

We toured the forts and drove through the old town but some of my impressions were a little funky. As I waited at the second fort for all to arrive I was noticing what kind of shoes people wear to do their sightseeing.  I grabbed a few shots!   For a closer look just click on one photo and scroll down. The chains are cute, but do they get hot in the burning sun? Nice shadow for Shadow Shot Sunday2 !  The gladiator look was quite popular that day, but thankfully her child had some sensibly colorful shoes, While scrolling, notice how many people are wearing blue! A better look at these trendies  Here we see a mother, daughter and grandma, There is a statement here about who is the important one!.  Walking all day in straps, flat shoes with no cushion would be torture for me.  Another family that tells a story!  Men are quite uninspiring I noticed.  This mom is a matchy matchy ...