July in a Nutshell
So July 2012 was the month that was! We had five weekends, 3 sets of guests and gave two parties. Both my husband and I each had a trip away. A busy, wonderful, glorious month! Not without it's perils though for I had blogging issues that kept me silent for nearly two weeks! But see? Resolved....I'm adding photos! My last day at Disney with some very special characters at Animal World! I had to change from Firefox to Internet Explorer which was a simple fix considering all the hoops I jumped through trying to get my pictures to load using the server I've always used. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? Not I. All I know is that I can't repair things, I must just find a different path. My Disney time during Mid July was fabulous! Ginny, Rebecca and I at Epcot Ginny and Rebecca, my best friends from Dayton OH, were weekend guests and saw my new house for the first time! Later we all traveled to Orland...