Future Non Scary Trunk or Treat Ideas
We had a Family Fun Night at our church on Wednesday Oct 31 and the public was invited to participate via flyers and signs. The two hour fun night had several event areas. In the sanctuary the teens had a fun 10 minute skit they put on every half hour of the evening. The one side of the church's parking lot had a huge bouncy house and a dozen or so carnival games with prizes and the other side of the church on the parking lot we had a Trunk or Treat.
I participated on the Trunk or Treat event and unfortunately was so busy I didn't get over to the other events for photos. I was able to photograph some of the other decorated trunks while they were setting up to get future ideas. It was my first time of participating in this kind of event although my grandkids have gone to them in years past.
I charged it up a bit with some extras at the last minute, like lights and some other decorations. I repurposed my house decor for one evening...so I didn't buy anything new except a pot of mum's for me and a pot for my "mum".
Is your church or group thinking of holding a Trunk or Treat this year?
Click here to read my tutorial on
How to Hold your own TRICK or TRUNK event
See a great action video here !!!

Is your church or group thinking of holding a Trunk or Treat this year?
Click here to read my tutorial on
How to Hold your own TRICK or TRUNK event
See a great action video here !!!

So many trunks were very cleverly decorated! We didn't do scary. All trunks were decorated for fun and seasonally. The children, of course, added the scary...costumes, of course!
This was a cute camping trunk! The tissue fire had orange lights that glowed when it got dark. Across the top of the trunk there were battery operated coleman lantern patio lights!
For tips on making your carved pumpkin stand out...click HERE
For tips on making your carved pumpkin stand out...click HERE
This trunk was a Drive In movie. The Little Rascals were playing and a bags of fresh popcorn was offered as well as a bowl full of candy bars. 

Patch the Pirate and other well know Sunday School characters were featured here.
This pick up truck decorated the fold down door luau style! Notice the boogie boards on either side.
"Scare" crows were a popular choice for several trunks!
Angry Birds had children "flocking" to their trunk
And many, many of them, including mine, had variations of this type of harvest theme like this fabulous and quite nifty truck bed.

I didn't get around to all of them, some decorated more than others but each one had the best part....a big bowl of wrapped candy!
Here are some great start up tips for
Decorating Your Car Trunk
Here are some great start up tips for
Decorating Your Car Trunk
All the children that didn't bring bags were given bags to Trunk or Treat with.
There were twenty or so cars and the children were invited to take a fist full of candy at each car. All were invited to make the round a second time as well.
It was the first time our church did this. We had a sign out inviting the public to join us and we had about forty five extra families stop in and register. The kids had a ball and it was all safe!
I did have one mother of young kids say she was so pleased that everything was "non scary" because her children had attended one at another church earlier in the week and were so upset they didn't want to come. She persuaded them to and they had a wonderful time. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm in the camp of non scary and sleeping peacefully at night!!
Oh and by the way, If you are doing this for your church you can get these
from Amazon for treats that might be messy in a bag
like cupcakes, popcorn balls or a mixture.
Linking to:
Tami @ Curb Alert!
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