So today we said farewell to K who is our leader and founder of The South Dayton Knitting/Crocheting Group Meetup. We met at the home of RevPam and Rev Mary and it was a lovely afternoon. Our group.... AKA The South Dayton Knitters group on Ravelry, was founded by K a little over three years ago and it was a success from the beginning.

We met first at the Java Street Cafe. This great little cafe had sandwiches, coffee and sofas as well as tables. We grouped several tables together at every meeting. The talk was nonstop. The coffee was endless and we were happy. Sadly, the cafe closed soon after. We met at several other locations before settling in comfortably at Boston Stoker in Kettering near the famous Dorothy Lane Market. We enjoy our specialty coffee's (unfortunately not endless!) and we group all the comfy leather chairs and tables into a large circle. We knit from 1:00 to 4:00 every Saturday afternoon. We are such a fixture there that we notified them that we were meeting at another location to hold our party so they wouldn't worry about us!

The smallest group was just two of us one meeting when the group was elsewhere at a yarn festival of sorts and it was just us two Jeannie's. But most weeks we run around 15 or so.
I am so sorry I didn't photograph what each person was working on today, because there are some beautiful items being knitted, large shawls, one Surprise Baby Jacket, sweaters, vests, and a number of other items.
The group is now being headed by Cynthia one of our original members, (seen sitting under the cross). She will monitor the meetup site and host the group on Saturdays.
I joined the group by showing up with a pair of newly purchased knitting needles and a skein of yarn asking if anyone could show me how to knit. The six week old group welcomed me and taught me to knit , purl, cast on and follow a pattern. I am now snowed under with yarn, completed projects and have discovered felting, which is now my passion!
To my surprise, I was also given a card signed by the group and my impending move was mourned along with K's. We won't be completely gone though, due to our connection through Ravelry.com! Also we both have family still in the area so visits to the group when we are in town will be fun. Nowhere is there a nicer group of knitters!
Question: Do you knit? Crochet? What was your favorite project?