The Week that Was

It has been quite the week.  So many upsets, so many changes.  I suddenly realized it has been almost a week since my last post and I need to dig myself out of the gloom that was life last week.

I caught a cold.  I never catch colds.  Airborne is my friend and has kept me from illness since I discovered it, except one bout with bronchitis a couple of years ago.  I was only under the weather Thursday, but Tuesday and Wednesday, I knew it was on it's way and I was fighting hard.  Wednesday night I was sneezing seven times in a row every half hour.  Bill made a run Publix to get Sine-Aid,  my staple from years ago, only to find they apparently don't make it anymore.  We settled on some heart smart meds that doesn't raise your blood pressure.  Just a precaution.  Today I'm more myself and not congested at all.

 Sunday our well wasn't working.  We had no water.  Since we JUST MOVED here seven months ago, we were really dismayed.  The plumber we hired took a few days to install a new pump, which didn't work right meaning there might be holes in the pipes leading to the house.   Digging through the concrete would be started in a day or two.  Then he broke the filter system and had to repair that, but it leaked after the repair.  Argghhh. My uncle saved the day by discovering the plumber forgot to put in a check valve of some sort and when the plumber came back and fixed that, the pump worked fine.  No additional digging was needed.  We got a different filter system and is now installed at no cost. Bing! This filter will be easier to use.  I'm so happy we have a brand new and reliable pump now and as long as the well doesn't go dry we are set.

Finally, to cap things off, earlier in the week my son's band parted ways with him in a very polite way.   It was very disappointing of them. Fortunately there are a lot of good reasons why this is for the best.  I am so proud of how he and his new wife are handling it.  I'm gratified over the overwhelming dismay from the fans.    Life moves on however and his faith is strong.  God has a plan. It will be interesting to see it unfold. He has a wonderful family that will move on past this with little regret and fond memories. 
James on the keyboard at Warped Tour where they headlined last year.  

But on to happier and productive times this week! 

One of the best things about this week was solving a problem with an old tile I love.  It's 8x8 and 1 inch thick.  I got it from a Pottery Barn catalog return used item bin.  It was marked down from $24.00 to $1.49. [big smiley face]  I like to leave out on the counter to use as a cutting board, hot plate, etc.  

I have new counter tops and the bottom of the tile was rough, I cringed every time it moved.  So I took a scrap of  a sweater I felted, and simply glued it to the bottom.  How easy!

No fear now of scratching the new countertop!  The felted fabric is thick and will not wear away.  It's washable but really, the crumbs just brush off easily. 
My smile is back!  

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Making Lemonade


Paulette said…
Glad to see that you are back blogging. I wondered where you were. So much upset in a week, sorry to hear it. Hope things turn around next week.
Bijou Sugar-Socks said…
so you had the colds too... i had it the other week. its most annoying :( i've always believed things happen for a reason... ur son will be fine :) glad your pump is working and that you're back!
Town and Country Gals said…
Sounds like you had a lot going on, not fun! Sometimes we just have to keep plowing thru and things eventually work out. Your son has a good support group and will get thru this setback.
Thanks for dropping by!

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