Unofficially Fall

It's unofficially fall because school is back in session.  Yesterday the children of Pasco County Florida officially returned to their classrooms.  I'm still overjoyed each fall that I am not among them.  Routine is the bane of my life and my free spirit chafes at being anywhere at 8:00 AM, let alone having to be there five days a week.

It's still summer according to the calander, and not only that, it's only halfway into the season.  I have never gotten used to children returning to school mid summer, we always returned the day after Labor Day.  September is autumn, yes, late September but lets not quibble about the dates.

With all the back to school hoopla, television and newspaper ads, video clips of busses trundling around and dire warnings to motorists, I feel fall-ish and celebrated by purchasing..well official mug for autumn 2012. 

The pumpkin color is perfect.  I appreciate the subtle art design, one I won't tire of.  The stoneware pottery with it's smooth texture.  The curled out lip, the generous handle with the beautiful design and the identifying mark of quality.  Replacement value $34.00 at Barking Spider Pottery out of North Carolina. 

All for the incredible price of $1.06. 

The color is actually a deep pumpkin, inbetween the "flash" color and "non flash" color,

Now there is only one thing lacking for this non student who will enjoy her coffee at 9:00 AM in her leather easy chair and the morning paper.  I'll want a bouquet of freshly sharpened brand new pencils for my crossword puzzle.  Oh, and a muffin for luck.  My Betsy-Tacy friends will know why. 

Shared my blog at Back For Seconds party


Cheapchick said…
In Canada the kids still go back to school just after labour day...but they don't get out of school until the 25th of June or so. Enjoy your pumpkin mug!
rebecca said…
I'm "all about" pottery & mugs - especially with curled out lips! I never knew how to describe those "lips" before, but it is a MUST for me.

Yours is absolutely perfect for autumn.
Lovely mug! The kids here went back to school three weeks ago (!). It just seems wrong to me....although I'm personally looking very much forward to fall this year!
Bijou Sugar-Socks said…
what a perfect mug for fall ;) like u jeanne, i would always wonder how i survived schooling since i hate routine hehehe
~Lavender Dreamer~ said…
I love that beautiful mug! WOW!

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