Autumn Flower Plate for Your Garden

The colorful days of autumn are almost upon us and it's nearly time to change your garden 
ornaments to reflect the season.

It's Fun to make Flower Plates for your garden!  

This garden flower plate is four different plates glued together.  
The smallest is actually a small cupped plate of shallow bowl

Combining shapes and textures is what makes the plates eye catching.
You really have to put together a lot of different combinations to find just the right one that pleases you.

The hanger in back allows it to be placed on a lattice divider, a planter or in a stand alone copper pipe.

Plates can be hung indoors as well.  My sister in law hung hers on her bakers rack where she keeps her coffee pot, pretty cups and saucers, etc.  It looked adorable.  

A big thank you to Kathryn over at The Dedicated House for featuring me on 
her SUNDAY SHOWCASE  featuring my Garden Totem,.  This post had the most views of all 231 participants 
from Make it Pretty Monday last week. 
What a nice surprise for me!

Linked to
Amaze Me Monday
Mandarin Orange Monday
Masterpiece Monday
Make the Scene Monday
Make It Pretty Monday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
What We Accomplished  
Ivy and Elephants  
ABC Wednesday
Treasure Hunt Thursday  
Thrifty Things Friday


JoKnows said…
That is a particularly beautiful combination! :)
Poppy said…
Hi Jean Marie,

So nice to meet you!

It's funny, but just before I checked my email (where you left your comment on my last post), I was at Mary's Mosaic Monday party and made a note to go back to visit a few of the links that I found interesting...well, of course, your plate piece caught my eye, but you had beat me to it!

LOVE love love your choice of colours and patterns and textures and shapes! And, altogether, they are ADORABLE!

Happy Monday!

Following you back,

debra @ HOMESPUN said…
These plates are gorgeous ! :) said…
Very fun, I must make some garden art!!
~Lavender Dreamer~ said…
I love autumn colors! I'm ready for some changes in my decor! What a fun idea!
Unknown said…
loving this, will be shopping for some cool plates :)
Kathy said…
What a beautiful garden craft - love this - well done! I hope you have a blessed week,
Sarah said…
This makes a pretty ceramic flower for the garden. Thanks for sharing the idea.
Anonymous said…
What a great idea, and your color combination is so pretty. Thanks for showing how you mounted it, too. Take care - Dawn
Annie said…
Your garden ornament is so pretty! You have selected just the perfect plates combination! I wish I could feel autumn too, but that is not going to happen for another 3 months here in Texas ;)
Sue said…
Gosh, you are talented x10. Autumn is my favorite season and I do really like the combination of textures and colors you used.
Reader Wil said…
You are quite an artist! This is very beautiful! Thank you for showing.
Wil, ABCW Team.
Adorable! I love the colors and texture. What did you use for the hanger? Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays!
lorik said…
A beautiful plate most imaginatively photographed! Thanks for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday:)
Linda @ A La Carte said…
That is just so darn cute! I love the 'flower' the plates make! Thanks for sharing at TTF.

Suzy said…
I've never seen a flower plate. But that is just beautiful. What a cool idea. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Roger Owen Green said…
Very creative, in a way most certainly am NOT!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Very pretty, I love your plate and the combination of colors.
Suzan said…
How creative!! Love your flower plates!
Visiting from Linda - A La Carte
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I love your plates. I have tried to make a few but cannot seem to find the right glue to make them stay together. What did you use? Thanks!

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