Early Memory

 I have been invited to join a brand new blog party called 

Memory Monday

This is right up my alley!  I hope to contribute often.

The first assignment was "What was your first memory?"

This was not my first memory, but it reminded me of my first memory which was attending a birthday party somewhere.  There were a lot of balloons, decorations and a long table with chairsfull of children.  I was about two.  I have a photo and have often wondered if I remember because of the photo or not.  

If I am only remembering the photo, I must choose a memory where there is not a photo.   I must choose it from the house we lived in but since I was unaware of age, my memory could have been anywhere from ages  two to four.  I have lots of memories of that residence.

I can remember eating an openfaced mustard sandwich sitting in the open glass sliding doorway feeling the sun on my face.  I loved bread and mustard!

I remember not wanting to take a nap and happily looking at picture books in my bed and another time jumping on the bed.

I remember riding double on my sisters bike (I'm sure that was forbidden) and that would be closer to age 4 as she was two years older.

As for the photo above, it was a shock to see it as I have no memory of ever seeing it before.  That is my mother in the doorway, my uncle behind her, acting up for the camera, my three sisters and my cousin sitting at the table at my grandparents home in Oakland.

It's a party, I see streamers and part of a cake with candles.  I don't know whose party, the cake is in front of Patty and an empty chair but as her birthday is Christmas Eve there are no decorations for Christmas up, so it cannot be hers.  Two cousins are missing, Susie and Terri. Terri also had a Dec birthday the same as my mothers, Dec 15, but the house still would have had Christmas decorations up.  So my guess is the the missing cousin SUSIE should be seated in the empty chair next to Patty in front of the cake.  I should have been a detective!

   I remember so many items in the room, but that ceramic doll on the table was interesting because it was a napkin holder.  I loved it.  The napkins made her skirt!  I well remember the oriental print on the wall and, peeking into the kitchen, I remember those really nice padded striped kitchen chairs.

I just discovered the photo and was planning to save it on Ancestry dot com where I've been doing a lot of research, but now I'll have it here.

I'm right in the front, by the way!  Karan is two years older, Janet 4 years younger.  Across the table from me is Patty a year and a half younger than me.  My cousin Jackie who is near Karan's age. I'm going to date this photo about 1959-60.


katie eggeman said…
I love your snippets of memory. My favorite eating memories consist mainly of PB&J,
retired not tired said…
What a fantastic memory. Thanks for joining. My favorite sandwich was an olive sandwich.
What a fun post! So many memories come flooding back when we look at some of our old pictures. I have a picture so similar to this one. It's at my cousin's birthday party (probably in the early 60s) in their garage with all the parents looking in on us. Thanks for sharing.
~Lavender Dreamer~ said…
What a fun party. I've wanted to write down some of my early memories. I think I see a doll on the table, too! Hugs!
What a sweet post!! Thanks for sharing!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Cheryl said…
What a great photo and "memory" very special. Time goes by so darn fast doesn't it?
Diane Writes said…
Trip back memory lane :) I almost didn't notice your uncle. He is surely a jolly person.

PS my birthday is also on the 15th of december :)

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