My Husband Passed Away

September 12, 1947 - October 30, 2014

It's still hard to believe and hard to write but my husband has died from the illness that no one could identify at the two local hospitals.  
It wasn't until late October, after eight months of great pain and suffering, six hospital stays and releases without fixing the pain,  that they gave up and sent him to Tampa General Hospital  There he immediately received treatment to take away the pain.  They knew how to fix his problem of a leaky aorta but it was too late.  He was too weak and did not survive the surgery.  

We chose to take him home to Dayton, Ohio and he was buried  with  military honors at the Dayton National Cemetery with family and friends present.

We had a wonderful Celebration of Life at my son's home after the graveside services
There was lots of joy, laughter and Bill stories told.  
A film was shown of his life through pictures and music.

 We were married 45 years ago in Concord, California

For our 45th wedding anniversary we took our first cruise together.  
We were invited to the bridge on the ship and the captain let Bill take the wheel of the cruise ship!

This was just days before he woke up in the greatest pain of his life that the
mystified the local doctors.

We had a wonderful life together.  I am going to miss him so much but we have both trusted Jesus as our Savior we have the hope and joy of knowing we have a home in Heaven.  
I can only imagine his joy now to be with his Lord and Savior and his parents and grandparents.  
I could not wish him back.

But I will miss him for the rest of my life.  


Janet Rudolph said…
I am so sorry for your loss. Lovely post.
Kimberly Hutmacher said…
There really aren't sufficient words, but know that I am so very sorry for your loss.
Paulette said…
I'm so sorry for your loss. You have my sympathy, prayers, and my friendship.
JoKnows said…
I'm so terribly sorry to hear that Bill has passed away. My thoughts are with you. These photos are such a sweet tribute. All my best, Jo.
Poppy said…
Dear Jeannie Maire,

I'm so very sorry to hear that your dear husband has passed away. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

mispapelicos said…
My dear Jeannie, I am sooooooooooooo sorry to hear so late about your husband.
I have no words, just sending you love, and cuddle you from afar.
Rebecca said…
Jeannie Marie! I am SO sorry that I just now saw this. (I'm afraid my habit has been to come visit you after you visit me. When I saw your comment just now 12/6, I came over here to read that your husband died.

Please forgive belated expression of sympathy. I AM so happy to know he knew Jesus, but I know that doesn't take the sting out of his loss and the adjustment to being without him.

I will continue to think of you and pray throughout your first Christmas season without him.
Jeanne Marie, I am so sorry for your loss but your strength astounds me..Judy
I so apologize for not coming by sooner and i am so very saddened to read about your terrible loss. I am so very sorry that you lost your dear husband.......
You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers......

Many hugs,
Cheryl said…
Heartfelt prayers~
big hugs,
~Lavender Dreamer~ said…
Oh my sweet Jeannie. I am so sorry to learn of your tremendous loss. My heart goes out to you. I'm keeping you in my prayers and I hope your family holds you close during the holidays. Sending you extra hugs my friend. Your buddy, Diane
Diane Writes said…
Hi Jeannie! I feel bad for not becoming a good blog friend. How could I not visit or check your blog. I should have sensed something. I'm including you in my prayers for now on. But you know what, despite the painful loss, I can feel gratitude and happiness from your post. I admire your strength, courage and thankfulness. You are now one of the persons I look up to, same as Diane of Lavender Dreams.
Jill said…
I had to go back through your posts when I was checking your most recent, I am so sorry to read that your dear husband has passed away - wishing you strength and peace!!!!

I'm afraid my blogging has slipped in the past few months, I'm so sorry I missed this post!!

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