2016 is Looking Good

I have many plans in my head for the upcoming year.
Jan 1st starting off the year geocaching
and Dianne came with me!
There were a lot of shadows on this sunny day!

 The first objective of 2016 was getting home safely.  It's a long drive by myself from Ohio.  I go out of my way a bit to drive to Shelly's in North Caroline from Ohio and stay a day or so before continuing on.  So it is two days of eight plus hours depending on how often I stop.  I made it home a few days ago and now must unpack and regroup.  I do like a good road trip!

This time I did some geocaching along the way home.  Overall I found eight caches in different rest areas and near gas stations.  I don't go out of my way to drive to get to any, but if one is within five hundred feet, I will take time to find it, sign the log and take a picture.  It's a great way to get a little exercise while on a road trip.
Finding a tiny caches in a tree!

I have my Disney Annual Pass too, so I will be driving over to Disney World several times for fun and exercise.  I've already gotten eight days in.  One in October, five in November and two in December.  I have two days scheduled in January already.  It's been so fun!

I may make a few changes inside the house this year and outside.  Last year, just keeping it up was all I could do.  I'm going to declutter first and then think about some of the changes rolling around in my head.

Getting back to my painting is another goal.  I didn't have the heart for it last year but it's such an enjoyable hobby, I really want to continue to develop my style.  Painting good fences is a goal, but for some really interesting real ones, go here:

Sending cards and postcards is another goal this year.  I love snail mail and hope to develop a circle of friends to exchange with.  Right now, Diane in the Philippines is my only postcard friend!  Thank you for this wonderful recipe card!

Finally, paying more attention to my blog is a goal.  
I hope to get back to posting several times a week.

These are some small goals and resolutions among the time I'll spend with Mom, who is my primary concern.   We'll see how it all happens!

Sharing with:
Sundays in my City
Shadow Shot Sunday2
Blue Monday
Good Fences


Michelle said…
Wishing you a great 2016!
rebecca said…
Happy New Year! Sounds like you've planned some fun stuff into 2016. I'm hoping to hear how you fit everything in, so I'm glad you plan to blog frequently. Geocaching really DOES sound like a fun way to break up a trip & get some exercise in...
Claudya Martinez said…
This post made me smile. It was a nice way to catch up. I love your spirit.
Jill said…
If you are interested in sending postcards, check out Postcrossing - it's so great, I've been involved for a while now!! Love getting postcards from all over the world!!
SmilingSally said…
Hi Jeannie Marie,

You are an adventuring one! Your trip would intimidate me, so I admire you. Isn’t it fun finding blues to share?

Happy Blue Monday!
Gemma Wiseman said…
Lovely range of personal goals for 2016. I too love a road trip. That is a dream of mine for retirement days... whenever that may be. For now, that is not affordable.
Ann said…
Think maybe geocaching would be fun, do you normally go alone? I love lists for the new year and the accomplishment found when one is completed.
Jeannie Marie said…
Ann, I have gone alone many times, but often those I'm around want to come along!
Christine said…
Hi Jeannie Marie and wishing you a very happy and fulfilling 2016 with fun at Disney and new painting projects!
TexWisGirl said…
lovely painting! glad you're back to it! and a fun, safe road trip is always good!
ellen b said…
If I lived close enough to Disneyland I'd be tempted to get a annual pass! Glad you made your road trip interesting with geocaching. I didn't realize that was an option on the road. I like the painted fence and that's the meme that brought me here. Happy New Year to you!
Ida said…
I've never done geocaching but it sounds fun. - I like your painting with the tropical trees and fence.
www.best-essays.co.uk said…
That's so cool you have an ability to visit Disneyland. That's really great. I'd like to visit this place as it is an incarnation of every child dream.

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