2019 Comes in like a Lion

Wind and weather were the keywords yesterday as a heavy wind blew in 2019 last night at midnight. I came home early from a party to bring in the new year at home.  My son and his cute dog Stout were here and we poured sparkling grape drink into tall glasses and watched the bubbles rise and pop as the ball rose up in Times Square.  At least that's what I intended!  Alas I was popping the top off the drink as the ball went up and I missed it!  


But 2018 was such a dramatic year I am hoping that 2019 will go on and go out like a lamb.   Looks good, with a wedding and three graduations in the future!  


 Happy New Year!  Happy 2019!  


Cherdecor said…
Thank you for bringing to our attention that 2019 came in like a lion. The winds were horrific here, but I never thought of it like that. Thank you! I, too, hope that this years goes out like a lamb. Happy New Year to you!
~Lavender Dreamer~ said…
Happy new year! blessings to you sweet friend!
Patty said…
Glad you were home safe and enjoying the "party" with Will!
Happy New Year!!
joyh82 said…
Just popping in to say hi Jeannie Marie, hope you are doing well. Stout is adorable!
Clipping Path said…

All your hints are very helpful. Thank You for sharing such great post with all of us.
Shannon Mackle said…
(My relationship was restored),,,,,,,

My Ex boyfriend came back me,

(He is now madly in love with me),

(He vowed never to breakup with me again)..

You can Make your Ex love you again..

Thank you! Dr_mack (@yahoo. CoM)

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