Bessie's New Look

It's been longer than we planned, but Bessie finally has a new look. 

It was a cold icy day in January 2011 when she was pried out of the ice and away from her home at Shanty Hollow deep in the woods of Kentucky.  She had lived on the hill near the country road for many years and had seen quite a few makeovers.  Nobody argued that she was in need of some TLC. 
 She was placed indignantly in the back of the open trailer and trundled up to Dayton, OH, facing backwards toward the south all the way.   I'm sure startling other drivers and passengers.  Ohio was to be her new home and the story of the trials and tribulations getting her there is told in this 

A few months, (yes only 5 months) later our world turned topsy turvy again and we sold everything practically, packed up and Bessie came with us to Florida.  Again it was quite the effort to get this solid cement bovine who is standing upon a solid cement patch of grass, up and down ramps, across lawns, through Sherwood Forest, but we did it.  At least it wasn't snowing.  

I was able to meet my only neighbor that very day when she came out to investigate.  She said she was peeking out the curtains first thing in the morning to see what was going on and was shocked to see a purple cow standing there.  She came out to ask me about it.  

Bessie has been standing in the middle of a little grove of thirty or so trees we call Sherwood Forest that stands beside our driveway since August 1st awaiting her promised make over. 

Now that spring has sprung (and this being Florida, we could only tell by the calender because it never got cold here) we are sprucing up for company and Bessie finally got her makeover. 

I'm sure she is happy as a clam. Pap Pap is home with the Lord now, but we hope he can see her in all her glory. 


Adri Hunt said…
Love it! So cute!
Bijou Sugar-Socks said…
bessie is adorable :) love her color purple :)
Kristi Coles said…
Oh I love her soooo much!!! She is just toooo cute!!!
Ivy and Elephants said…
Wow, what a cutie. I love the colour! Thanks for sharing at our linky party!

Thoroughly Modern Me said…
Glad to see that you and Bessie have arrived safely in Florida. Thanks for following and now I am your newest follower!
She is so sweet and looks so happy with her makeover. She sure put a big smile on my face:-)
La Vie Quotidienne said…
What a great make-over...she is adorable!
Anonymous said…
Bessie is smashing! How can you not love a purple cow? I also enjoyed your short poem about her. I'm your newest follower!
Anonymous said…
Happy Easter Jeanne -- You are quite the writer. I loved your story and Bessie. And from the mountains of Kentucky; I don't know why I love reading stories set in Kentucky; My mother was from Rome GA -- northwest corner; Blessings Terri
What did your neighbor say?
J.Rylie.C said…
So pretty!

Hope you'd come and see my Easter craft, you can link too if you like at my meme. Happy Easter.

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