Thrifting Saturday

My sister is visiting from California so what better excuse is there to go out to lunch and do a little thrifting afterwards?  Actually a little before and afterwards!

Here are my finds today!

These cute Pyrex dishes were $1.06 each and are just perfect for individual servings of fruit or dessert.  Since there are just two of us here....I snapped them up in a hurry!  I love the sunny yellow.

I had a little accident and a cupboard shelf tipped forward sending four or five coffee mugs to the tile floor and several Coke glasses.  One was a favorite mug I recently thrifted. (top right)  I blogged about finding it last fall for a stocking stuffer.  BUT...I loved it so much I began using it and decided to keep it.  It was my mug of choice up until last Saturday.

So I've been looking for replacements.  I'm pretty picky about my coffee mugs and I loved this one.  It is sized just right, colored inside, it has some aqua color and is very spring-y.  It's artsy, hand painted and good quality.  Happy me! $1.06

 I do not need this, I do not need this.  I don't even collect them, but I just loved it.  It's a pink Luster Ware plastic salt shaker.

You can barely make out the etching that spells SALT on the front.  The lid untwists and it can be filled.  It's tiny, maybe holds a quarter cup salt.  I loved it.  $.39 

Was it the aqua design?  Was it the oriental feel?  Was it the Melamine name embossed on the bottom along with Japan,  MG-156?  Was it the script "Threeline" jauntily written across a circle?  Was it the fact it looked similar to an ash tray I made in school?  Is it Saturn and her moons?   I had to own it. It set me back $.39

 I actually needed this compact mirror for my purse!  Isn't it cute as a button?

It magnifies on one side and has an actual reflection on the other.  Will I use it?  Maybe.  I have a horrible habit of forgetting all about what I look like until I get home and look in the mirror and see that my hair needed attention, my chin grew three hairs while I was out and I have a piece of parsley decorating my front tooth.  

This pink compact mirror is so cute I may get it out just to admire it.  Then I will remember that others have to look at me and I should try to fix problems that crop up after I leave the house.  It's about time I learned if I'm ever going to.  It's just that other things are just so much more interesting than me and old habits die hard.  


Hello Jeanne:) Wow you find some pretty things. I love the shape of the pyrex bowels. Thank you so much for following me. I am following you right back. I'll be back to say hello:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Cheapchick said…
Great finds Jeanne, hope you had fun!
Jill said…
I love the little compact mirror too!! And, of course, I love the Pyrex, I have a little red one of those.

Thanks for the Leibster Award, I actually received two of them yesterday, I have to think about that a bit before I write a post!!!
Leslie said…
Love the salt and pepper shakers !!! Good finds!
Anonymous said…
I can tell...if we went 'junkin' together...we would have to go in different directions! Know what I mean? :o) My buddies and I have to do that at garage sales or thrift stores...we love the same things! You really got some cute treasures!! woo hoo!!
I love the little salt shaker!
Lui said…
You got some exciting finds!
I really like the pink one.
Is that a coin purse?
Bijou Sugar-Socks said…
i love your yellow pyrex jeanne! wish i could find pyrex here :) cute finds!
Lisa said…
I would love to find those cute yellow pyrex bowls. I hardly can pass up anything pyrex :) Great finds!

Lisa @ Happy Girl Collectibles
The Joyful Thrifter said…
Lovely Pyrex!

The Joyful Thrifter
JoKnows said…
Those are incredible bargains! Good work! ;)
at 39¢ for the salt can you NOT?! you could put any sort of often used spice in there for easy (and pretty) access when cooking. love the yellow bowls too!
Cara-Mia said…
Nice finds,I love the yellow Pyrex. I just found one this weekend... Wish I could've found one more!
Lesley said…
Yay for thrifting with your sister! I bet you had a blast. I would have snatched up the Pyrex in a heartbeat, too. They're adorable!

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