Even More Colorful Houses

These houses were in the same neighborhood in New Port Richy, FL as my previous post colorful houses.  They are a totally different style, but even more extreme.   

Someday I will learn to hold the camera straight, but in the meantime, I'm taking photos from a car window as Bill drives by at his pace...with me saying...stop!  Slow down!  Back up!  These crooked pictures will have to do until the day I go alone and PARK the car and brazenly stand in front of the house and snap really good photos.  I think I can make a clean getaway before the police show up if I limit my photos to three sides and stay off the lawn.

The first house below boasts a pink flamingo mailbox, a bright yellow candlestick lamp and a brightly painted front pathway. In addition,  if the multi-color painted house wasn't enough to attract attention, the pleathora of whirlygigs were going around like mad actually made the house even more visible. 

 I especially loved the Cheshire Cat on the left side of the house!

 Dr. Seuss and other cartoon characters were featured on the right side. 
To ensure a really good look, clicking on the photos will enlarge them so you can see detail.

As we were driving we went around the block to get another look we discovered this treasure:

The dishes reminded me of "Pretty Shells all in a Row" and I think I may have to copy this. Bill says no, but we'll see...

 Isn't this the cutest idea ever?

An entry way arbor!
This cute mail box belongs in my mailbox article as a favorite Florida mailbox! 

Turning the corner you can see the white pebbled "easy maintenance" front yard
 All the better to feature other interesting art... 

No one I know likes to throw out blue bottles
Now we know why we are saving them!  I wonder how long before the next round of bottles covers the swimming pool this circle garden is planted in?  

The right side of the house was visible because this sits on a corner and by merely turning right we get a visual feast that extends down the side to the side entrance....

 The checkerboard walkway is repeated in the tops of the pots lining the garden. 

and the color extends even to a luscious garage further down.
The baubles on the top match those found on the front of the peaked house in the first photo.  But it was the oars that really caught my imagination.  The attention to detail is fabulous.  The garage has very little pink, just letting the floral detail on the fence shine.  Putting colorful post of palms out and placing a starfish over the doors is very Florida! 

Further down.... past the garage we discovered...
... even the potting area has it's charm! 

This next house....well
I believe they have been inspired and are just getting started! 
Living in this neighborhood, how can you not be?  Oh, and did you notice?  What do you see painted in the sun?

My purple cow would be right at home!

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Sandy said…
These are awesome, adorable, interesting, very very creative and fun. Would love to see these. Where are they? You neglected to say. I think you could get good pictures from the car, just roll down the window and make him stop, then you don't have to go alone etc.

There must be lots of retired artists, or artists in the area doing the painting. Most of these aren't something the average home owner could handle on their own.
Jeannie Marie said…
I added the location, New Port Richey Florida. It didn't occur to me they might be professionally painted to be so interesting. I'll have to look into that!
Bijou Sugar-Socks said…
WOW! i love these houses! i ADORE the first house with the yellow street lamp and the flamingo mailbox :) and what a fabulous idea about the dishes jeanne! lemme know if you are pushing through with your own so i can send you some Andalusian plates that are very colorful here :)
Anonymous said…
Jeanne, these are great!!! So tropical, colorful, artsy and fun!

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