Art in the Garden

Fall lends itself to make beautiful seasonal garden flower plates because the colors are so gorgeous!

Rescue great plates from your local thrift store, curb or yard sale.  
I like to choose plates with lots of different textures as well.
Shaped plates add visual interest and using bowls in the middle adds depth.  

One stake can host a number of seasonal flower plates along your front walk
 or in the flower bed in front of the house.  

There is nothing like a bit of art in the garden!

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Paulette said…
This autumn flower is beautiful with all the textures and rich colors. Love it!
Whimsy and Juno said…
This looks so pretty! Such a lovely idea and a great way to display some of the vintage plates that otherwise might be kept in the cupboard most of the time.
xoxo Lauren
Bijou Sugar-Socks said…
so pretty jeanne! the leaf patterned green plate next to the brown one tied this all together beautifully :)
Pamela said…
Such a pretty piece. Thanx for partying at THT!
Diann said…
I love these dish flowers. I have made a few and they are so fun! Thank you for sharing at TTF.

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