Autumn Flower Plate

I put together some thrifted plates and repurposed them into a decorative garden flower plate!



Gemma Wiseman said…
Creative idea! fascinating with the play of light and shadow!
Chubskulit Rose said…
Very creative indeed!

My Shadow Shot Link
Have an enjoyable weekend!
Nancy said…
Oh, fun! It's interesting to see the difference in color between full light and shadows. Thanks for sharing.
Unknown said…
How cool and creative.
The Messy Roost said…
Ohh, that is so pretty. I really have to learn to use my camera. Stopping over from The Messy Roost. Rhonda
Bijou Sugar-Socks said…
once again, gorgeous brilliant idea!
MyMaracas said…
How clever! It looks especially nice catching shadows.
~Lavender Dreamer~ said…
I love it! A great way to bring some Autumn colors into your Fall!
Leah said…
So sunny and cheerful.
I love re-purposing cheap 2nd hand items. Its like being "double green" which of course leaves one feeling "double cool"
Diane Writes said…
How cute and creative! I love it Jeannie. Thank you for linking up. Wishing you a great week ahead my friend :)
SmilingSally said…
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SmilingSally said…
I like your creative flower. Thanks for sharing.

Happy Blue Monday, Jeannie Marie.
joyh82 said…
Very cute, Happy Blue Monday!
kateonthinice said…
Liking the colours. Very seasonal.
Pamela said…
Such a fun plate! Thanx for sharing at THT!
M.C. Diana Degadong said…
What a beautiful BLUE plate with pumpkin on it too :-) Dropping by from BM

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