A Little Ruby in One's Life is a Good Thing

Ruby's Flowers

While visiting William and Ruby I just had to take home this shot of a brilliant Ruby Zinnia in a pot on the deck in her back yard.

She has masses of Daisies, Black Eyed Susan's, Hydrangea's, Lavender.  But it was the single red bloom that caught my eye.

Shared at
Ruby Tuesday 2
Straight out of the camera has other wonderful shots! You must take a moment to visit.


Zinnias of all colors were my mom's favorite flowers. Thanks for the nostalgia!

Red Macro Miracle Flower

Leovi said…
Beautiful photo of exquisite flowers and soft colors! Greetings.
Nedekcir said…
I love them, specially when put between vegetables as pest control...have a great day!
Ivy and Elephants said…
What gorgeous color! Only nature.
So beautiful.

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