Chicks and Ducks

We have a new store in town.  It's called Rural King.

To our surprise when we stopped in for pet supplies

They had brand new chicks! 
Look at those sweet tiny shadows! 

 And Ducklings! 

 No, it isn't spring 

In addition to the brown and white chicks these sable colored chicks 
were more seasonal.

The heat lamp made them quite PINK though!! 

They were softness itself and ohhhhh so tempting!

At $2.99 apiece I still resisted.  

I am rural enough to own them, but...sigh, and that is a big sigh

...I regretfully passed.  

Linking up this week to:


I Jeannie Marie, I love the chicks and ducks so much. I lived on a farm when I was a child. Memories are so sweet. I know I would resist though because my sister has chickens and they are so much work.However the eggs are delicious.
xo, Jeanne
xinex said…
Awwwww, those babies are so cute, Jeannie. They look so soft and cuddly.....Christine
Leovi said…
Very handsome ducklings and chicks, that cute!
Linda said…
We want chicks, too. But finding a sitter for our three year old beagle is already a challenge. Who in the world would chick sit? (No naughty words intended!) Linda@Wetcreek Blog
LOL... As cute and precious as they are...You did the right thing. They sure was a late hatch. And late hatches are so ifty for the new chicks . You would have had to keep them under light for awhile. I have chicken and peacocks. And anytime we have a late hatch, even with their mothers...not to good...a lot of work.
XXOO Marie Antoinette
LV said…
Nothing cuter than holding a little baby chick. I had many when growing up on the farm.
Unknown said…
Hi Jeannie Marie!
Oh how adorable. I'd love a few, but I am allergic to feathers sooooo, None for me.
Rebecca said…
My first thought was "spring/Easter", too! Guess I'm not rural enough....
Paulette said…
Raising chickens is a hot topic in my town, we are NOT in a rural area, and talks are taking place if a city ordinance should allow people raise chickens in their backyards. Cuties when they are little, not so much when they grow up.
Lorraine said…
Oh, those chicks and ducklings are sooo cute, and how fun that the heat lamp made them pink! I remember a LOOOOONG time ago, they would sell chicks for Easter that were dyed Easter egg colors! :O
HPS! ~Lorraine
Sylvia K said…
Such little cuties!! And fun shadow shots for the day!! My kids always loved having little chicks and ducks when they were growing up!! Have a lovely weekend!
Jim said…
How great is that
Cute! I like the photo effect the red light gives. We have 9 hens but they only lay consistently for about 3 years.
Warm Heart Bears said…
Hi Jeannie Marie,

How very sweet!
They are so cute.
Thanks for sharing
the photos.

Bear Hugs,
Rajesh said…
Wow! they are so tiny.
Anonymous said…
I love also ckicks..rabitt..ducks, in my chilhood play and put little dress ..poor animals, i have one chick died old age, have rhumatism.
Louisette said…
Have a nice day fall, from Belgium and my two golden retriever
Cerise and Zitablue
Gemma Wiseman said…
Wonderful little balls of fluff. So enchanting. I would be battling to resist too. Love them.
Ralph said…
Dicks and chickens would be a chore - although in our home, we especially like ducks. Alas without a watering hole or such, it would be impractical. Of course, the little fluffy birds would be so cute - to us. Linus McDonald, our feline, would have no problem with inviting them, so to speak, to dinner...cute is as cute does, and these guys are cute!
Rambling Woods said…
My neighbor had a small farm when we first moved was a piece of rural in the suburbs.. She is gone now and they rezoned the area..Thanks for prompting fond memories...Michelle
robin. said…
awww...great willpower!!! nice little critter shadow shots!!!
Wow are you strong to leave them behind!! Too cute! We just got a Rural King in I know I should avoid it at all costs :)
Thanks so much for stopping by our blog today!
Karla & Karrie
BLOGitse said…
Oh, these are so cute!
I've always liked chickens. Unfortunately balcony is not a very ideal place to keep them :)
Poppy said…
Little birdies, the cutest, all of them, chicks, ducks, geese...!

mispapelicos said…
I love, love them, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
How cute.
NatureFootstep said…
so cute to see them. :)
Shirley said…
They are all so adorable!
Whimsy and Juno said…
Aww they are just the sweetest things ever! I too would have been seriously tempted to buy them all and take them home with me! I think you'd need a pretty big pond for all those ducklings though! :)

xoxo Lauren

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