What I Didn't Buy at the Thrift Store Today

Ahhhh.....the regret, the self congratulation and the horror.  It's all there at the thrift shop. 

When you peruse these items, what would your regret be?  What would you congratulate yourself about leaving at the shop even though you wanted it.  Is there a horrific item to you?  

A fish teapot sans lid
Perfect for a garden totem.  

 A 50's chip and dip set $3.19

 Another colorful teapot that is worthy of actual use.

A very strange, but quite interesting looking coffee mug.

 A set of three quite artsy cat mugs

An very tall aqua glass vase priced $3.00 higher 
than a similar one I saw  in a retail store.

 A souvenir glass from Italy that caught my eye

A , not quite as classy, very pink souvenir from the Great Smoky Mountains

 A vintage small vase. 
 I had to include the cat and dog figurines.  They are all 
dressed up a la the 90's when we decorated everything in pink and white ribbons, roses and strings
of pearls.  The cat is glued to a sweet lace trimmed floral tuffet. 

 A mask you can heat or chill to relieve tired eyes.

I had several pangs of regret and I have to say, right after I photographed the pink piglet
a lady stopped and picked it up squealing to her husband how cute it was.  I thought she was going to 
buy it but she didn't.  

However, I did go back and get one of the items. 

To find out which one I actually bought and took home....click here!  

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LV said…
My word, you had a very successful outing that day.
~Lavender Dreamer~ said…
The fish teapot at the very beginning! I love the colors and it's CUTE! Lots of other neat things though. Love the chip and dip and the Italy glass...but where would I put it all? I love lots of cute things!
Ivy and Elephants said…
I agree, I bet you got the cute fish pot! I can see in a totem pole!
Ahh regrets, I've had a few ...
I love these things...and why was it you didn't buy them? Oh, the teapot is adorable! Like PAULA SAYS...'REGRETS I HAD A FEW'....I mean.. I DID!!! Thanks for dropping by and for your sweet visit my friend.

Jil~Say It With Roses said…
You found lots of colorful and interesting things...are you regretting not getting any of them? I am sure I would!
♥ Jil
Jill said…
I'm guessing you took the chip and dip home with you. I might have!
Linda said…
I can bet you chose the fish teapot. I use a small saucer as a lid for my favorite teapot (sans lid). Linda
Ercotravels said…
Beautiful set, Jeannie! all items looking cute specially i like the cat and dog figurines.
thanks for sharing..

bj said…
I would buy the fish teapot in a heartbeat altho I probably need the mask for tired, puffy eyes.:(
Tami Von Zalez said…
And you leave us hanging like that? Which item did you buy?

Popped by from Pink Saturday.

Linda @ A La Carte said…
I like many items but would have to leave them also. OK< so now I need to know what you did get! Thanks for linking to TTF!
Sir Thrift-A-Lot said…
I have a ton of those masks! Although, you can buy them not from Goodwill for the same price. The pig tots cute, but not home sweet home for me cute. & my step mother used to decorate like that (ribbons & stuff), but to the extreme. Everywhere.
thepaintedapron.com said…
Please tell me you bought that chip and dip set for $3.19!
Loved this post and share it! hugs...
Keetha Broyles said…
My fave is the fishy teapot. Hope he's the one who went home with you.

The strange red coffee mug left me cold. ;-)
Claudya Martinez said…
I like the over-priced vase, but I wouldn't want to pay extra for it at thrift store. I miss thrift store shopping.

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