A Real Winter

Taking a break from the hot weather in Florida, we traveled to North Carolina
for a cooler holiday.

In December/January bare trees and vines are the norm,
 yet a flourishing Camellia hedge loaded with blooms and buds
caught my eye.

The contrast there gave me a start!
It was full of waxy white, perfect blooms.
Isn't it lovely? 

The milder temps dropped into very chilly days and my granddaughter said she needed a hat.  So
 I knitted her one.

I love how the shadows have fallen over her face here.

Then a surprise drop drop in temperature caused even the fountain to freeze.  

We got much more than we bargained for, arriving here sans coats and warm clothing! Our first trip here in winter these same weeks, two years ago, didn't even require a sweater! Lesson learned.  

It really was a 
wonderful winter holiday!  

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Rebecca said…
How I envy all your traveling (not to mention your knitting skill)!

I don't think I commented on the iron gates & window guards etc. in your last post...they would have caught MY eye, too. What IS it about them?!?

Sitting here waiting for The Big Snow/Freeze they've predicted. Wondering if it's going to be a dud....time will tell.
Angie said…
Love the shot of the frozen fountain!
Leovi said…
Wonderful photos , nice water fountain frozen !
Nice shots, You are unique, traveling north in winter!!

It is 18F here in Oklahoma today and snowing.
robin. said…
great series of shots. we had friends come in for the holidays from FL to enjoy the cooler temps...but at -12 they were not impressed!! go figure.
Patti said…
You can have some of our Connecticut cold...we've had enough for a while!
No coats? brrr...

I love the frozen water fountain.

Thanks for visiting me ;-)
Rajesh said…
Wonderful images. I like that frozen shot.
Jill said…
You have been having a great time travelling around! Nice pics!
I've heard that even parts of Florida have been affected by the cold weather this week! Your knit beautifully -- your granddaughter is very pretty.
Leovi said…
Strong and beautiful winter flowers!
Ingrid said…
Beautiful pictures ! Fortunately you didn't go to New York to spent "cooler" holidays:) !
Adri Hunt said…
Happy New Year! Great job on the hat! Hope you all had fun!

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