Where Did I Go? What Happened to Me?

Bubblews happened! 

Come visit me!  
Janet has a new gig! 
August 1, 2014
Remember the post about my sister?   Janet's Art 
She now has a collection of note cards on Etsy! 
Here's the link:

July 25, 2014
I painted my old shed  and instead of tossing the broken chair
I grabbed it out of the trash and decided to let it die here.

We had planned to buy a new shed this summer but instead
we used the money on hospital bills so I had to do SOMETHING!

The plant is in one of my yellow ware bowls until I can find another "pot" of some sort.

I'm going to plant pink begonias soon to fill in the bed.  They thrive on neglect
and that's what they'll have here!

July 23

I painted the old patio table that was left her when I moved in!

I've simply kept it covered with flannel backed oilcloth until I could get around to painting it.

This is the "before" shot that I nearly didn't get:
as you can see it's half painted

I chose black as I have no idea what color my new patio furniture will be if and when I find some. 

Now...what else can I do?  

Flying my Mother's Day Kite

 I've done my share of writing here and there on different sites but nothing really paid much of anything, spitting out nickles and dimes occasionally but no real earnings to speak of.  

Loving the Jacaranda blooms!

Then I discovered Bubblews, a forum for anyone in the world to write what they wished, publish without censure and get paid per view, per "like" and per comment.  I signed up Jan 11th.  They split the revenue of the earnings with the writers

 I'm doing the same thing I did here just writing about my life.

But now getting paid for it!  

I love where I live

 I've missed you!  My Blog friends!

This is my referral link if you have decided to write there also:
   But you don't have to use my referral.

You can sign up on your own if you like

  If you do sign up, PLEASE let me know, I want to read your articles and help you earn money.
Such easy rules!

1. Each article or post must be 400 characters.   2. It must be your own work. 3.Photos must be credited.  

Easy to write for, money adds up pretty fast.

I love my basket and my shells
I told you I'd be back! 


Linda said…
Whew! I was thinking worst. I checked another site where I knew you wrote articles, but it was not current either. So I worried. Glad you have found a profitable site! Go for it!!!! Linda@Wetcreek Blog
Paulette said…
You have found a different place to write and you are getting paid, good for you. I have missed you and your posts. I will have to go check out your writings at your new site.
Jeannie Marie said…
I know this reads more like an advertisement but I'm really happy over at Bubblews. With all the writers here who could be also writing and making a bit of pocket money, I thought it was a good idea to share the wealth.
I was wondering where you were my friend!!

Now isn't that interesting? Do you have to advertise or how does it work? I may be something that i may look into once I can retire.....

Thanks for stopping by!!

Joanna Jenkins said…
The Jacaranda are in bloom in my neighborhood too (LA). I love when the wind blows and it "snows purple".
Happy SIMC, jj
must love junk said…
Wow, I've never heard of this! I'm going to check it out!
StarTraci said…
Wow! I had never heard of that. Very cool.
Glad you came back our way.
Louisette said…
I love also jacaranda trees and flowers, remember, one avenue when i stay africa, was full jacaranda.greeting from Belgium , tomorrow it is national day in Belgium.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said…
I'm getting a little caught up with you (at least through Spring)! I love your basket of shells, too and I'll check on this link for writers. Have a wonderful weekend my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane
bj said…
My goodness, I've wondered where you were.
Prayers for you and hubby.
Good to hear from you.
cathy@my1929charmer said…
First time here, but I am glad you are back! I think the shed looks good and love the blue chair next to it, looks like it has a lot of years left.

It was sweet of you to stop by and let me know you liked my vintage dish lid towel holders!

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