Savannah Style Fencing

While in Savannah this month, I was intrigued by the numerous designs of wrought iron fences.  

This one really caught my eye. 

 It was quite dramatic mounted atop the stone wall what was centuries old.

This fence itself was about five foot high with lots of detail.  The stone wall was about twenty feet.  

It was located right on the river front where the city was founded.  A cobbled road wound it's way up the hill from the river and this fence is still doing it's job keeping travelers from falling over the edge of the cliff.

Sharing with Good Fences


eileeninmd said…
It is a pretty fence, love the detail and design! Great fence find, enjoy your day!
eileeninmd said…
It is a pretty fence, love the detail and design! Great fence find, enjoy your day!
TexWisGirl said…
how very pretty! quite intricate! thanks for linking jeannie marie!
Very ornate fence on top of that lovel stone wall
~Lavender Dreamer~ said…
That really is awesome! What craftsmanship to create something like this. Enjoy your day! Stay inside and stay cool! heehee! Hugs, Diane
ThreeOldKeys said…
Oh, to be both ornate and useful like that fence.
: )
Love your photos; thanks for sharing!
Ida said…
I agree that design is fancy and intricate and beautiful and the rock wall is pretty neat too.
Michelle said…
That city really has some gorgeous wrought iron fencing. You captured it well!
Lovely! I haven't been in Savannah in forever.
Anonymous said…
Pretty swanky fence. Oh my that wall need to be there if one would fall down a cliff.
betty-NZ said…
This city is said to have some wonderful history and this wall certainly shows that to be true :)
Sarah said…
Pretty fences. I just put up a post tonight F is for Fence. '-)
Thanks for visiting my E is for Excursion. I bet your little Baggallini has taken some great excursions. They are wonderful travel bags!
Leovi said…
It is very beautiful stone walls.

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