The Colorful Caribbean

One of the most interesting parts of traveling in the Caribbean is how colorful it it.  

Here, we try for the most neutral colors we can when painting our homes.  We let the landscape add the color.  

In the Caribbean the buildings are every color of the rainbow.
A true treasure!

Each one has unique shadows that add to the glamour.  
For more great shadow shots check out the link at the bottom of the page.

Blue, yellow and red makes these buildings almost look like a flag

It's more colorful here in Florida than in most of the states, but still I'm dazzled when
I travel to the Caribbean.  

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Rebecca said…
What great photos, Jeannie Marie! And you're right - VERY colorful :)
Very colorful indeed! Fabulous images and the Caribbean is such a special place to vacation. I love it!

LV said…
Yes, there are many colorful buildings in the Caribbean, but your state has nice ones as well.
Love the architectural and the vibrant colors. Beautiful pictures!!
Gemma Wiseman said…
Extraordinary use of impressive colour on the building walls. So sunny and cheerful. And love the building desings too.
Tea in the Library said…
great photos! happy pink saturday!
RobinfromCA said…
I love the colors of the Caribbean buildings. Since our landscaping is all dying here in the drought maybe I should take the hubby into painting the house something a little more colorful. Somehow I don't think that conversation would go as well I am imagining it. ;-)
Have a lovely weekend,
Leovi said…
Beautiful photos. Excellent facades, utmost beauty!
I love colorful buildings, but we don't see to many of them in the U.S. Other countries seem to be much more daring than we are.

Shady Stones
Nonnie said…
I love the colors of the homes in the Caribbean and Florida, but ccolors like that seem just to stick out like a sore thumb in Indiana. Plus the architecture is stunning.
Ralph said…
The Caribbean style seems to be of soft pastels that enhance all the stucco buildings and homes - it has been many a decade since I have been, but the style and color offers such a stylish contrast to suburbia and its limited hues of beige, gray, yellow and tan hues that cover the nondescript vinyl siding in our neighborhood...
These are beautiful and cheerful buildings. I love the sweet balconies.
fredamans said…
Stunning architecture!
Rajesh said…
Beautiful shots of the place. Very colorful.
Kathe W. said…
oh my gosh such gorgeous colors
Linda M. said…
Hello Jeannie Marie, Great photos and beautiful colors. Thanks for your visit. Hope you had a wonderful Pink Saturday! Joyous Wishes, Linda
So beautiful! Thank you for sharing and for stopping by!
Absolutely beautiful!! As a Lover of color, I so enjoyed seeing these beauties!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your encouraging words!! I go Part Time on July 25th!! Can't wait!!

Beautiful viewpoints for your photos of the colorful buildings. Here in South Florida our neighbor from Haiti had her home painted a lovely yellow but the Homeowners Association made her repaint it a somber sand tone, like all the other homes-- various shades of tan.
Ann said…
OH I love all those color combinations, the red and the yellow is gorgeous!! Thanks for your visit today.
TexWisGirl said…
unique and colorful, but i just love all the trim work. :)

thanks for stopping in!

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