Having Afternoon Tea at the Tilted Teacup in Brooksville Florida

In Brooksville there is a little complex of  very adorable shops and this lovely tea room!
Many of the shops are interconnected  and you can walk from one to the other without going outdoors. 
You can also enter each shop from the main porch area.  Here is the entrance to the Tilted Teacup.  

 They serve a lovely high tea!  This is the main portion of the meal.  
Each person had four different sandwiches, a hot quiche, and three different mini desserts.
This was after a preliminary pot of tea and blueberry scones.

 It was really elegant.

We had a choice of Butternut Soup or Broccoli Cheese today.
I chose the butternut and it was perfection.

The blue teacup made me think of Blue Monday!  I knew I would pick this shot for my photo!

 The room wasn't overly decorated but was charming with cute touches like this 
hat rack with vintage hats in the hall way.  The ruby red one really stands out.

There is a little shop as you come in

I loved the fireplace area with the pink birdcage and flowers!

I thought the Valentine Tree was sweet. I'm sure it probably changes with the holiday.

Behind the counter there was a delightful array of colored napkins, folded and ready to be turned 
into rosettes. 

A chalkboard that listed some of the menu items.

But come early for tea as some were sold out by our tea time at 1:30 

There were many lovely items in the store

Some vintage decorative items were also scattered about. 

The faded roses were a nice touch!

Afterwards, with full tummies, it was tempting to linger here on the shadowy front porch.

My friend Isabelle from Ocala came down to have tea and a little meetup! 
We have been online friends for many years, both writing on the same sites and following each other.

This was the first time we have met in person!  

We found that we are Irish cousins!  Both being Fitzgeralds who can all trace their linage back 
to a few people in the middle ages.  It's crazy!
Here is a link to Isabelle's blog

The conversation never lagged, it bounced from one topic to another so rapidly I mourned that each one was not explored enough!  Her husband Al dined with us and could hardly get a word in! But then again he was very interested in the meal!  

They are a wonderful couple and so much fun!  These snowbirds will fly back to Connecticut soon but next winter I hope to meet up with them again when they return to our beautiful Florida.

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Rebecca said…
Oh, that IS a charming place! And your dining fare sounded & looked amazing! What a perfect spot to meet in person for the first time...
Isabelle Esteves said…
It was such a wonderful place to meet and get to really talk for the first time. I can't wait for next year, I think we may have started a yearly tradition! I enjoyed the chicken salad after midnight lol
Pondside said…
I think that tea is one of my favourite 'meals'. We are blessed with a number of good tea rooms here in Victoria. Everyone knows The Empress and its famous high tea, but there is a large number of small, cosy establishments where everything is home made and butter is a big ingredient!
I'm your newest follower - don't want to miss a post.
colleen said…
I took a virtual sip. Love old tearooms!
Cheapchick said…
It looks lovely - I have never had high tea but that looks incredibly tasty!
bj said…
I love tea rooms and High Tea is the very best...
I do believe you and your Irish cousin favor ea other...xoxo
Unknown said…
I want to eat here!!!
Even though it's a warm, sunny day here in the Southwest, that butternut soup looks tempting!
Grammy said…
That is awesome to meet your friend. I have only met one from Texas. But online or in person. We are really good friends too. The shop is beautiful too. All the details make it really special to see.
Best wishes to you.
Kathe W. said…
looks like a great pace to be- love Butternut Soup! Cheers!
abrianna said…
That tea room does indeed look delightful.
Michelle said…
What a charming place for tea! LOVE the decor and the food sounds good, too. So nice that you were both able to meet!
Rajesh said…
Very lovely place for tea. Nicely decorated.
xinex said…
I am glad I visited your blog. I love going to tea rooms and there aren't many around. My daughter is from Hudson and I might just ask her to take me here sometime. It looks very charming. What a wonderful place to meet...Christine
Vidya Sury said…
What a pretty place, Jeannie! The photos are lovely. I can imagine how one could spend hours there! Thanks for sharing - it is a treat!

I am here via Sundays in my City. :) Nice to meet you!
Lingered? Heck, I would've napped on that porch after a wonderful indulgence of tea and scones!
Diane Writes said…
Everything I see her is just so lovely! I can stay in the place even without eating.

I'm still catching up with our posts Jeannie :)

As for my new blog layout, just scroll down to the lower right to see my blog archive :)
Dorothy said…
I took my grandmother to Brooksville last year for her sisters 100th birthday. Had I known about this tea house I definitely would have taken her there...although I might never have gotten her out!
Jim said…
This is a lovely tearoom, Jeannine. Even right down to the waiting area on the porch. Sure beats Cracker Barrel's. I like going to tea rooms when I have plenty of time. And someone with me who is pleasant to chat with.
SmilingSally said…
Hi Jeannie Marie,

What a charming place, and how much fun to meet up with a blogger-friend face to face! I'm so glad you took a shot of that gorgeous blue cup and saucer. Thanks for sharing.

Have a Happy Blue Monday!
joyh82 said…
Pretty place, I love the Valentine Tree, Mantel and chandelier!
I bet the food was good too - it sure looks good :)
Joy @ Books and Life
Claudya Martinez said…
I would love that place. How wonderful is it that you and Isabelle have such a lovely connection?
LV said…
My sister and I know all the tea rooms around here. We really enjoy them, but none to compare to this one.
What fun to meet a blog friend in person and in such a charming place (and with wonderful food). It all sounds just wonderful.
Annesphamily said…
I love anything to do with tea. I really love this post. Thank you for sharing with us today . Enjoy your week.
Ingrid said…
What a lovely place ! I would like to have tea there too and on top to meet a blogfriend, that's nice !
DawnTreader said…
Looks like a charming place to have tea. Yesterday I would probably have been sorely tempted to order the whole menu (after my fasting blood tests)... ;) Thanks for visiting my Ruby Tuesday blogpost.
afrenchcollection said…
I love high tea, but just not the cup of tea so much!! I really am a coffee girl so thank goodness no-one seems to mind I drink this instead. You sound like you had a wonderful time :) It is so nice to chat over nibbles and a drink isn't it!
Floranet said…
You rock with your writing!! Spectacular place.

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