How to Have a Tinkerbell Party!

What can be nicer than having a Tinkerbell birthday party when you are turning TWO!

The first thing is to dress up just like Tinkerbell herself!

Have your party in Neverland
  You will want it outdoors where there is a shadowy lagoon with a volcano, a hot springs and a bridge to fight off pirates or walk the plank!  Beyond the lagoon.... a ticking alligator lurks. 

Also, at a Tinkerbell birthday party, one must serve her guests a beautiful Tinkerbell Cookie Cake!

Every little girl believes in fairies and who better to grace her 
special two year old birthday cake but charming Tinkerbell nestled in a flower!

You'll want your very own Peter Pan to assist you in the fine art of opening gifts by the lagoon
You can barely see it, but Peter still has his shadow!

It is a serious business inspecting gifts among the lost boys and pirates who are
clamoring for more of the treasures to be revealed.

But Tinkerbell can drift away 
and take a moment to admire her new purse full of pixie dust and dreams

She is every inch a female
where every bag is her purse, even those as large as she is!

When all the treasure is gathered, Tink and Peter return 
 to Mama and Papa Darling
who wish they will never grow up.  

A very tired Tinkerbell will sleep well tonight!  
Second Star to the right and straight on till morning!

Here is a link to her baby shower! Two years goes by fast!
Everly is my sister Karan's granddaughter
and she is so sweet!

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How absolutely sweet!!! Happy birthday to lil Tinkerbell!
So precious! And I loved your descriptions!
Pondside said…
What a lovely birthday to remember!
Susan said…
Oh My!!! That was a magical Tinkerbell party. Was that in your house, Jeannie Marie? That pool is GORGEOUS. Oh, how sweet it was. Thanks for sharing. And your trip the the tearoom was lovely, too! Susan
Dorothy said…
Gefeliciteerd met de verjaardag van Tinkerbell!!
Patty said…
What a special party for a two-year old! Lucky Everly! Thanks for documenting it for us to see! Wish I could've been there too!!!
genie said…
When I see Tampa, all I can think of is how badly I want to return to Florida. I grew up in Palm Beach, but I want to find a snow bird trailer park that does rentals on the west coast. I remember going to Tampa as a teenager to play in a band concert. It took so long back then to cross the state. The photos of your granddaughter make me think of mine. She is absolutely precious and the play by play of there party is wonderful. The one shot of her with the big bag is the cutest thing ever. Little children are just so cute...especially girlie little girls. Your post was so dear and I loved every photo. genie
Christine E-E said…
how incredibly sweet. She's adorable. I especially like where she's so intent on examining her gifts.
Rajesh said…
Beautiful birthday for the cute little girl.
Unknown said…
What a lovely post on Everlys party.... You are so talented my Jeanne Marie!!
Lea said…
So sweet! Happy birthday, Tink!
SmilingSally said…
Hi Jeannie Marie,

What a darling party Tink had! That is one gorgeous home she lives in. Thanks for sharing.

Have a Happy Blue Monday!
Ingrid said…
How cute and what a nice birthday celebration !
xinex said…
What a neautiful Tinkerbell! Love the enclosed pool area!...Christine
Anonymous said…
Tinkerbell is sooo cute! Am happy she liked your birthday:) You have come a long way and mastered the scary blog things, Jean Marie! Now you do, please join my in my new meme/game called Seasons!
Anything happening within the season goes. So you can use one of these pics for the link up. Between now and Wed. 9 am -it's underneath my weekly post. Thanks so much!
Grey World Nomads said…
Cute little girl. Keep these pictures for her, she will be thankful later. Our girls (and boys) are all already over 20y old! it goes so fast.
Anonymous said…
How wonderful! That flower on the cake is almost as adorable as the birthday girl.
Rhonda Albom said…
What a cute party, Tinkerbell looks very happy.
Claudya Martinez said…
Aww, I loved your description of the party. Tinkerbell looks like she had a wonderful celebration.
Gemma Wiseman said…
o wow. The little one is an adorable Tinkerbell. Love the way she seems to flit around. And her birthday cake is so creative and pretty.
So darn cute! What a little Princess she is. And I love how she knows how to rock that big purse! A girl can't have one that's too big !!
Floranet said…
Your blogs are lovely!!
Giftbasketworldwide said…
Interesting Piece of work. Thanks!

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