1938 Muffins

I was returning comments the other day and came across Sandy's recipe for muffins from an old cookbook published in 1938.  It was interesting to note that it called for one tablespoon of sugar. Did you read that?  Only one tablespoon of sugar for 12 muffins!   They really lived it up in those days.   I was intrigued especially because just the night before we had passed up muffins at Publix because they are full of preservatives, chemicals and all sorts of things that are bad for you in order to have a decent shelf life.  Plus the calorie count was awful.  We passed them up but we felt muffin deprived....

.....so I made them!
We are bad, bad, bad!

Although they are not healthy, they are healthier than the kind you buy in Publix.  If you must slip up and have something fun to eat, you should make it yourself and save yourself from the chemicals.  

You can find the basic vintage recipe here on Sandy's blog

I changed it a bit.  Of course!  She did too.  I put in a half cup of chopped walnuts and one big fat juicy blackberry in the middle of each one.  The batter was supposed to rise over and bury the blackberry for a surprise, but it didn't.  The blackberry rose to the top and decorated them like a cherry.  When I first saw them in the pans, rising like that, I was reminded of the movie Calendar Girls.  I certainly didn't intend to be racy!  I will state here and now:  I did not take any similar photos.

The glaze is added sugar, of course.  I spotted a grapefruit on the counter so I added some grapefruit zest to the glaze for a little added zing.  It was yummy! 

Thanks Sandy for that wonderful recipe! 


Bijou Sugar-Socks said…
oh i want one of those! they are so tempting. i know what you mean about commercial muffins... sometimes they are just full of artificial flavorings and colorings. i will definitely try this one jeanne :) thanks for posting!
Anonymous said…
So true- make it fresh! Love the idea of adding fresh blackberries- yum!
Tablescapes By Diane said…
Hi lovely lady.
This looks so Yummy, I also love the Idea of using blackberries great for breakfast with a good hot cup of coffee. Im following your linky now, hope you join me also. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my Easter table. I hope you have a wonderful Easter with your family.
I hope you come next week for a new Tablescape.
XXOO Diane

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