Lunch at Joseppi's Market and Deli

Look at us!  I thought it happened again!  When Mom picked me up we were AGAIN wearing the same colors!  I couldn't imagine Karan would also be wearing this color, but it was only four days ago we all showed up in black and white outfits!

Whew!  Close but no cigar.  She's wearing a springy yellow.  BTW...Does Karan remind you of anyone??????*

 Karan and I found this deli a few weeks ago.  Unfortunately we found it right after lunch so we couldn't sample anything but made a pact that this would be our next destination lunch with Mom!  

And here we are!  We were having fun but missing Patty and Janet. 

Mom takes such a good picture.  I think I may have to put this one on her Facebook!

Sisters....sisters....There were never such devoted sisters....haha!  We're beaming over our good fortune at discovering such a great little local family owned restaurant.   The wine was divine. Both our glasses were from freshly opened bottles. 

But it was time to get down to business!  So many awesome choices!

After much good natured hassling with the waiter over the wine choices and amounts, Mom settled for ice water...then she brilliantly remembered that a cold beer in a frosted mug was really what she wanted.

It would be fabulous with her corned beef sandwich! 

Can't you just imagine how great this tasted??

We were actually quite popular today with the staff and even the owner of this fabulous Deli, Joseppi himself came out to pose with Mom. She makes friends everywhere!  Our smiling waiter is behind them...who was tipped quite well for being so patient with us!
It was a gorgeous day and after lunch we wandered two doors down to the bakery and chose mini cakes for dessert to share.  Then three doors back was a cute little thrift shop.

  This is quite a charming little corner on Hwy 19 in New Port Richey, FL.   

I'll be posting a restaurant review later, so I'll put a link here when it's published.  

*Jackie Kennedy?  Look again.  I know you'll see it!


Bijou Sugar-Socks said…
GMTA! sounds like you all had a lovely day :) and that corn beef sandwich looks yummy!
mispapelicos said…
Thank you for your comment. A true treasure to me.
Hi Jeanne Sweetie...
Oh my goodness just look at you and your beautiful Momma. How sweet that your minds think alike and you have a tendancy to wear the same colors. I am so LOL. My Momma and I do the same thing. (I only get back to Oklahoma once a year, with my job for leave, and we always seem to wear the same colors, one day the very same shirt, bought over 1300 miles away. Imagine that one.)

You both look gorgeous in coral. It is your signature color I do believe. Love you precious Momma's smile and I can see why she makes friends everywhere she goes. She is a doll.

Can't wait to see photos of the bakery and the little cakes that you all chose. Sounds yummy.

What treasures did you find at the thrift store? It is my favorite place to go and shop. I have several here in Phoenix that I love to go to. Wish I lived close and could have joined you gals. Loads of fun for the day.

Country hugs and much love, Sherry
Patricia said…
You mom is pretty! Wish my mom was still alive so I could take her to lunch or anywhere.

Blessings to You and Yours,
Anonymous said…
It looks like you three had quite the fun time!!! :)

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