Spring Fling III

 Adding a bit of color on the front porch in the form of flowers is the final touch.  I don't want the front to be too busy or too much to keep up with.  In the future I will replace the teak chair for a glider that will invite company to sit with me.  For now, I'm the only one who enjoys the view up and down our street.  I love to watch the wild tortoises that cross the road, the feral cats, the hundreds of birds and butterflies and the neighbor that drives his golf cart past our home a dozen times a day with the little flag on a pole in the back, flapping mightily. 

 The small sign in front of the post says "Pappo's House". 

 I first just put pots out in complimentary colors by the front door.

Then I thought more levels were needed so I added the small chair we had on the patio.

The lanterns hold tea lights for evening illumination.   The back of the wagon is filled with marigolds.

We are just a hop, skip and a jump from the gulf water, with only one house between us and the marsh that goes out to meet the gulf, so although I don't feel like we are a seashore  home, a solitary seashell is my nod to The Gulf of Mexico, our neighbor. 

I don't know what to do about the ugly screen door except to paint it with a wild design for a little fun.  I would remove it in a heart beat, but I love the door open in the front and the back french doors opened to the screened in patio.  It pulls breezes through the house even when the wind isn't blowing.  So for now it certainly is staying even though it hides the brilliant orange front door.  

Linking to
Ivy and Elephants


Bijou Sugar-Socks said…
what a cute little wagon! flowers really finish the look :) feral cats??????
Debbiedoos said…
Hi there Jeanne...I see you joined in on my newbie graduate party. You still qualify to participate in my weekly Monday party. See you then. This party was for people who do NOT qualify anymore that use to participate in the party.
Anonymous said…
Very pretty and cheerful! I just got done working on my front porch, at least for today. :)
Ivy and Elephants said…
Hi Jeannie,
I'm so glad you chose to join our little party! We love having you, and are now following you! Welcome to sunny FLA, we're in Miami! Love that you are enjoying life here. Those tropical breezes are such a blessing, aren't they?
Happy to meet you!

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