Dayton Art Institute

Flashback to last October....

James and Rachel Baney's Wedding Weekend last fall included a trip through the Dayton Art Institute.  In the blur of organizing I didn't bring my camera so my phone pinch hit for me.  I was glad to have it as I was able to capture some happy moments of the afternoon.  

It's not often family from both sides of the family tree get together outside of the normal wedding, shower, funeral, christening and such activities.  

A click on the picture will enlarge them to show detail.  

 My niece Christa, daughter of my sister Patty, posed in front of a Monet

 My niece Shannon, daughter of my husbands brother Tim, was in her "Blue Period." 

 My own daughter Shelly, found the sculptures to be beautiful.

  Sister in Law, Kim, Shannon's Mom,  was captured among the art glass

 as were my sister Patty and Bro in Law, Wayne

My niece Rachel, Patty's youngest daughter, opted to stay in the big lobby, where there was lots of room for her daughter Maddie to run freely.   Mom kept them company with occasional foray's into the gift shop behind them.  

A lovely time of bonding was had by all.  When you hail from San Juan Capistrano, Boston, Miami, Raleigh, as these cousins do, you just don't get enough time together. 

With everything so expensive these days, it's nice to spend an afternoon in a beautiful building among priceless works of art for free.

Linking up to The Pennyworth Project! 


Adri Hunt said…
Oh, this post is so cute! We wish we could have been there with you all.
Bijou Sugar-Socks said…
two things i love: family outings and art galleries :) u nailed them both! lovely time was had by all :)
Anonymous said…
I love when family manages to get together. The fact that you spent the day taking in beautiful art just adds to the fun! You have a beautiful family. :)
Good Morning Jeanne Sweetie...
What an artistic share this morning. I love seeing the gorgeous works of art, and the pieces that each chose to pose in front of.

I could spend hours walking through looking at the paintings. It allows you to see through to a persons very soul.

Loved seeing your family. These phots are priceless. Hope you have a glorious weekend dear friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

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